Welcome to Connect Grey Highlands, your go-to portal for civic engagement and community voice within Grey Highlands!

This site was created to offer an online platform where residents can discover and contribute to municipal projects and initiatives open for public participation. Here, you are empowered to:

  • Share Feedback: Have your say on projects that are currently open for consultation. Every voice matters and contributes to the betterment of our Grey Highlands community.
  • Stay Informed: Learn about upcoming in-person community engagement events and initiatives, ensuring you're always in the loop.
  • Discover Insights: Find out what we have learned from participants on projects previously open for public feedback.
  • Track Progress: Keep up with the development of ongoing projects, all in one place.
  • Final Decisions: Discover the outcomes and final decisions made on projects that have involved public input.

We encourage you to engage, whether online or in person, and stay connected to all the local projects that interest you. After all, Grey Highlands thrives when we all participate!

Jump in and be part of shaping Grey Highlands' future. Your input today can lead to a better tomorrow.