Project Background
A request was submitted to formally name the trail at the Rotary Park in Markdale.
This trail is 600 metres and runs along the recently rehabilitated Armstrong Creek. Grey Highlands policy A09-A-01 for Naming/Renaming External Municipal Property, Buildings, Roads, Park Elements, and Settlement Areas was established in 2007. Under this policy, all requests for naming shall follow a process outlined in the Policy.
A rationale report was submitted by the Grey Highlands Transportation and Public Spaces Department for the naming of the trail alongside Armstrong Creek as they were the department overseeing the Markdale Town Pond Dam Removal project, which included the addition of the trail. Their rationale report included the submission of letters of support for the naming from relevant project stakeholders, including Saugeen Valley Conservation, Trout Unlimited Canada, and GSS Engineering.
A request for comments was circulated to Grey County, Grey Bruce OPP, GH Fire and Emergency Services, GH Planning, and GH Senior Management to allow them to comment on the proposed naming of the trail to minimize confusion in emergency response situations or general comments.
Notice was also provided on April 9, 2023, through Grey Highlands Social Media Channels on the proposed naming requesting any comments from the public. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be scheduled to celebrate and thank everyone who contributed to the rehabilitation of Armstrong Creek and the new Armstrong Creek Trail.
The Municipality of Grey Highlands funded the stream rehabilitation project with assistance from Capstone Infrastructure Corporation and Bruce Power.
Project support was received from Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, GSS Engineering, Seeley and Arnill Construction, Trout Unlimited Canada, TC Energy, Enbridge Gas, The Rotary Club of Markdale, and Ontario Wildlife Foundation